vicky's blog

well.. this is moi blog... some stuff to thoughts n feelings... n the goodness of GOD

Thursday, December 02, 2004

another day has passed

had a stayover at my friend's place on tuesday night... most of the time we were eating... haha... actually terence wanted to bring us to eat fish head bee hoon at holland v then while in cold storage we decided that we should buy some stuff and cook... this is the first time i'm 'cooking' in someone else house...

we had spaghetti... first time cook stuff a big pot... then we use the campbell chunky for the sauce... yummy... my idea... hee... also make a pot of fishballs with meat balls with crabstick, then we also have roast chicken from cold storage... for dessert we had green bean soup, watermelon and grapfruit... of course we had chips... for breakfast, we have hard boiled eggs... realised everything we cooked just requires putting the food into water and boil... haha...

we had a movie marathon... watched 4 shows... left the place at about 7... slept all the way back to hall... the 4 sleeping pigs... haha... luckily the double-deck 174 was quite empty upstairs... reminds me of the good o' JC days...

i revamped my blog... yeah... a sense of accomplishment i would say... ok, i didn't do the layout from scratch but i personalised it... also i can extract the essence from different blogskin makers... right now the only thing i lack is the comments part... haven't figure that out...

change is the only constant in life... felt that the layout kinda reflects my mood and situation... the previous layout was greyish and that lasted for 3 months since september after the thank you dinner... and now the new layout is pink... haha... maybe i'll change it again for Christmas...

its going to be 5... its time to do QT... oh yah, my friend once asked if QT meant Quality Time... i agree that quality should come before quantity... haven't been fiddling with my guitar... oops... hee... (long, are the lessons resumed?) gotta go... long day ahead...


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