vicky's blog

well.. this is moi blog... some stuff to thoughts n feelings... n the goodness of GOD

Friday, January 28, 2005

Which Emoticon Are You?

Vicky, the emoticon that represents you best is the Brainiac

Hey, smarty pants. A curious and inquisitive character like you gets the message in more ways than one. While some people may use IM to pass along gossip or simply kill time, you probably like to use that brainpower for more thoughtful discussions on topics like politics, the latest news headlines, or even as a great way to laugh at yourself when you've missed the obvious.

For you, IM most likely serves a useful purpose. Whether you're talking to a friend overseas, asking a co-worker about a project, or solving the problems of the world, you're using that mental muscle of yours. But don't think you can't make fun of yourself, too. You like serious topics, but you're not one to take yourself too seriously. So keep it up, brainiac! That's a smart way to be!


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